#ABtalks Untold Stories with Sami Ayassi – مع سامي العياص | Story 13

30 يوليو 2024

سامي أياس الذي أصبح بلا مأوى بعد أن فقد والده. يحدثنا عن الصراعات التي واجهها من أجل البقاء على قيد الحياة. ويتحدث سامي عن رحلته مع تعاطي المخدرات والاكتئاب ومحاولة الانتحار. وعلى الرغم من كل الصدمات التي واجهها، يشاركنا سامي الدروس التي تعلمها على طول الطريق وما الذي جعله يستمر في أصعب الأوقات.

نكتشف بهذه السلسلة قصص مجهولة عن بشر خارج نطاق الشهرة، ونسلط الضوء على نضالاتهم وانتصاراتهم وقصصهم الإنسانية.

Sami Ayass was left without a home after losing his father. He opens up about the struggles he faced in order to survive. Sami discusses his journey with substance abuse, depression, and his suicide attempt. Despite all the trauma he faced, Sami shares lessons he learned along the way and what kept him going in the darkest of times.

#ABtalks Untold Stories discovers the stories of everyday people. This series opens up the conversation to people beyond just the well known and famous by sharing the struggles and triumphs of human beings near and far.

Production / @bukhashbrothers

Website: https://www.abtalks.ae

02:15 — How are you really doing Sami?
05:00 — Family
08:17 — Feeling Unwanted
08:44 — Being homeless
09:40 — Working from an early age
22:27 — Going to University
23:43 — Moving to Dubai
27:20 — Imposter Syndrome
28:08 — Do you believe you deserve what you have received?
29:15 — Codependency in Relationships
37:08 — Ego in Building a Family
38:01 — Different Perspectives in Life
47:05 — How did your friend pass away?
54:54 — Relationship with your Mother
1:22:48 — Hardest Experiences
1:45:01 — What would you tell your father today?

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Follow Anas Bukhash:
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Website: http://anasbukhash.com/

Follow Sami Ayass:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tya4105?igsh=MWR1Yno4eXNyOGR5

All opinions and views expressed on the show represent the sole opinions and views of the participants involved and do not necessarily reflect or represent those of #ABtalks or its associated companies.

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