Mona Kattan is an Iraqi-American entrepreneur and businesswoman who also runs Huda Beauty, a global cosmetics line along with her sister, Huda Kattan. Not many have known the ‘real’ Mona outside the world of beauty and business…until this interview.

Mona herself admits to being codependent and living in her sister’s shadow, so who is she really? With Anas, she talks about her close relationship with Huda that she’s had since childhood, what it’s like doing business with family and her relationship with money. It’s common for men to find ‘successful’ women intimidating, but is that the case with Mona? Is building a family of her own a missing chapter in her life? Mona exclusively opens up about her personal experience with love, past relationships and what she looks for in a partner.

In this Chapter, Anas explores the Mona Kattan behind all that you see in the public eye; a human being who has learned (and continues to learn) the importance of self-development and self-reflection in building a purposeful life.

Anas Bukhash takes a seat with unique personalities resulting in exclusive and sometimes daring conversations. Each guest is hand-picked and each episode reveals details that have never been talked about before. The guests are known for being inspirational and influential; experts in their respective fields.

This show shines the spotlight on the raw and human side of various achievers, celebrities, influencers, trendsetters (and breakers) as human beings.

منى قطان سيدة أعمال من أصل عراقي – أمريكي، تدير شركة هدى بيوتي وهي شركة مستحضرات تجميل عالمية جنبا الى جنب مع شقيقتها هدى قطان. سنتعرف على الجانب الآخر والحقيقي لمنى خارج عالم الجمال و العمل والذي لايعرفه الكثير من الناس .

تعترف منى أنها متعلقة بأختها هدى، وانها تعيش في ظلها .. فمن هي منى ؟
يأخذنا أنس في حوار عميق معها لتتحدث عن علاقتها الوثيقة مع هدى منذ الصغر، وعلاقتها بالمال وتجربة عملها مع العائلة.وهل فعلًا واجهت حسب الفكرة الشائعة خوف الرجال منها كونها إمرأة ناجحة؟وهل بناء عائلة خاصة بها يعتبر فصل مفقود من فصول حياتها ؟ كما تتطرق وبشكل حصري عن تجربتها الشخصية مع الحب، وعلاقاتها السابقة و ما هو الشيء الذي تبحث عنه في شريك حياتها.

في هذه المقابلة يكشف لنا أنس عن منى قطان الحقيقية وراء كل ما تراه أعين الجمهور؛ إنسانة تعلمت(وما تزال تتعلم) أهمية التأمل و تطوير الذات في بناء حياة هادفة.

يجلس أنس مع شخصيات فريدة ويقدم مقابلات حصرية، وأحياناً جريئة. يتم اختيار كل ضيف بشكل دقيق وتكشف كل حلقة عن تفاصيل لم يتم التحدث عنها من قبل. من المعروف عن الضيوف أنهم ملهمون ومؤثرون ومختصون كلٌ في مجاله.

هذا البرنامج يسلط الضوء على الجانب الصريح والإنساني للعديد من المنجزين والمشاهير والمؤثرين وصانعي الصيحات (ومحطميها)؛ كبشر.

00:00 – Intro
0:19 – How are you really doing?
2:00 – Selfish, selfless and self-love.
3:52 – Do you think you’re a ‘people pleaser’?
6:10 – Being straight forward.
7:52 – Progression of Mona.
9:15 – How was your childhood?
11:00 – How is your relationship with your parents?
13:07 – How is your relationship with money?
15:10 – ‘New money’ family.
16:48 – Is it safe to say that you’re the brains behind Huda Beauty?
20:00 – Doing business with family.
25:13 – Do you think you’re happy?
29:04 – Depressing years.
31:42 – Do you have a hard time dealing with ‘Mona’?
32:51 – How reserved are you?
33:36 – How would you describe ‘love’?
34:21 – Do you think a missing chapter in Mona’s life is building a family?
35:42 – Relationships and Tinder.
41:58 – Do you think you intimidate men?
44:22 – What are you afraid of?
45:52 – If you were not afraid of anything, what would you do?
48:58 – If money is guaranteed for life, but the condition is that you have to choose a job, what job would it be?
50:38 – Best moment in your life.
51:27 – Worst moment.
56:58 – Any regrets?
57:23 – ‘Mona’ in one word.

Produced by: Bukhash Brothers

Follow Anas Bukhash:

Follow Mona Kattan:


#ABtalks with Mona Kattan – مع منى قطان | Chapter 21

28 أبريل 2020

Mona Kattan is an Iraqi-American entrepreneur and businesswoman who also runs Huda Beauty, a global cosmetics line along with her sister, Huda Kattan. Not many have known the ‘real’ Mona outside the world of beauty and business…until this interview.

Mona herself admits to being codependent and living in her sister’s shadow, so who is she really? With Anas, she talks about her close relationship with Huda that she’s had since childhood, what it’s like doing business with family and her relationship with money. It’s common for men to find ‘successful’ women intimidating, but is that the case with Mona? Is building a family of her own a missing chapter in her life? Mona exclusively opens up about her personal experience with love, past relationships and what she looks for in a partner.

In this Chapter, Anas explores the Mona Kattan behind all that you see in the public eye; a human being who has learned (and continues to learn) the importance of self-development and self-reflection in building a purposeful life.

Anas Bukhash takes a seat with unique personalities resulting in exclusive and sometimes daring conversations. Each guest is hand-picked and each episode reveals details that have never been talked about before. The guests are known for being inspirational and influential; experts in their respective fields.

This show shines the spotlight on the raw and human side of various achievers, celebrities, influencers, trendsetters (and breakers) as human beings.

منى قطان سيدة أعمال من أصل عراقي – أمريكي، تدير شركة هدى بيوتي وهي شركة مستحضرات تجميل عالمية جنبا الى جنب مع شقيقتها هدى قطان. سنتعرف على الجانب الآخر والحقيقي لمنى خارج عالم الجمال و العمل والذي لايعرفه الكثير من الناس .

تعترف منى أنها متعلقة بأختها هدى، وانها تعيش في ظلها .. فمن هي منى ؟
يأخذنا أنس في حوار عميق معها لتتحدث عن علاقتها الوثيقة مع هدى منذ الصغر، وعلاقتها بالمال وتجربة عملها مع العائلة.وهل فعلًا واجهت حسب الفكرة الشائعة خوف الرجال منها كونها إمرأة ناجحة؟وهل بناء عائلة خاصة بها يعتبر فصل مفقود من فصول حياتها ؟ كما تتطرق وبشكل حصري عن تجربتها الشخصية مع الحب، وعلاقاتها السابقة و ما هو الشيء الذي تبحث عنه في شريك حياتها.

في هذه المقابلة يكشف لنا أنس عن منى قطان الحقيقية وراء كل ما تراه أعين الجمهور؛ إنسانة تعلمت(وما تزال تتعلم) أهمية التأمل و تطوير الذات في بناء حياة هادفة.

يجلس أنس مع شخصيات فريدة ويقدم مقابلات حصرية، وأحياناً جريئة. يتم اختيار كل ضيف بشكل دقيق وتكشف كل حلقة عن تفاصيل لم يتم التحدث عنها من قبل. من المعروف عن الضيوف أنهم ملهمون ومؤثرون ومختصون كلٌ في مجاله.

هذا البرنامج يسلط الضوء على الجانب الصريح والإنساني للعديد من المنجزين والمشاهير والمؤثرين وصانعي الصيحات (ومحطميها)؛ كبشر.

00:00 – Intro
0:19 – How are you really doing?
2:00 – Selfish, selfless and self-love.
3:52 – Do you think you’re a ‘people pleaser’?
6:10 – Being straight forward.
7:52 – Progression of Mona.
9:15 – How was your childhood?
11:00 – How is your relationship with your parents?
13:07 – How is your relationship with money?
15:10 – ‘New money’ family.
16:48 – Is it safe to say that you’re the brains behind Huda Beauty?
20:00 – Doing business with family.
25:13 – Do you think you’re happy?
29:04 – Depressing years.
31:42 – Do you have a hard time dealing with ‘Mona’?
32:51 – How reserved are you?
33:36 – How would you describe ‘love’?
34:21 – Do you think a missing chapter in Mona’s life is building a family?
35:42 – Relationships and Tinder.
41:58 – Do you think you intimidate men?
44:22 – What are you afraid of?
45:52 – If you were not afraid of anything, what would you do?
48:58 – If money is guaranteed for life, but the condition is that you have to choose a job, what job would it be?
50:38 – Best moment in your life.
51:27 – Worst moment.
56:58 – Any regrets?
57:23 – ‘Mona’ in one word.

Produced by: Bukhash Brothers

Follow Anas Bukhash:

Follow Mona Kattan:


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